Grow Your Business
Join a Chamber Committee
Our Chamber of Commerce is a member-based organization designed to enhance the growth, development, economic health and quality of life in Front Royal-Warren County through our committee work. The following committees are active in our Chamber

Education Committee:
Advocates and assists members in supporting a K through Life philosophy of education by:
Providing opportunities for Education-Business Partnerships
Providing education information to members and the general public through forums, workshops, seminars and brochures
Hosting or facilitating many events and projects including:
New Teacher Reception
Ethics Workshop for High School Seniors
Reality Store for High School Sophomores
Community Leadership Program
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 p.m. on Zoom until further notice. Chair: Jeff Hinson
Email for meeting invitation.
Legislative Committee:
As the voice for business, promote and enhances the business climate by assuming a proactive role on local, state, and national issues:
Schedule/ organize bus trips to Richmond and Washington, D.C., on Chamber Day
Organize our Candidate’s Forum for local and state elections
Assist with state of the county and town breakfasts/forums
Draft position statements for the Board on issues affecting our membership
Meets Quarterly
Committees promote the community and the Chamber of Commerce through events focusing on fund-raising and/or professional development. Separate committees include:
Annual Dinner & Awards (Meets January-June)
Bowling Events (Spring & Fall)
Chairman's Golf Event (Meets July-November)
Christmas Parade & Holiday Celebration (Meets July – December)
Millionaire Maker Golf Event (Meets February – June)
Wine & Craft Festival (Meets 2nd Tuesday at 8:30 am at the Chamber)
Business Development Committee
The Business Development Committee helps local businesses succeed by organizing useful education and training and by providing opportunities for positive community involvement and visibility. We work to improve interactions between business and local government to help create a business-friendly town and county.
Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m. at the Chamber office. Chair: Bryon Biggs
Email for meeting invitation.